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Expressive Activity

Expressive Activity

Frequently Asked Questions for Students

1. What is expressive activity?



  • meetings;
  • 学生组织或其邀请嘉宾举办的其他集体活动或活动;
  • speeches;
  • performances;
  • demonstrations;
  • rallies;
  • vigils;
  • distributions of literature; and
  • any other activity protected by the First Amendment.


2. What kind of speech is protected by the First Amendment?  


The U.S. 宪法保护大多数言论,只有非常有限的例外. In outdoor spaces, the college may place reasonable limits only on the time, place, and, manner of your expressive activity, 这些限制不能取决于表达活动的内容或观点.  In addition, for outdoor areas, students, student organizations, 他们的客人在进行表达活动之前不需要事先通知.  In other words, students, student organizations, employees, 客人可以进行自发的表达活动,只要他们不从事下面第三条所列的任何行为.  (There may be exceptions to this general rule; for example, 你的学校可能有户外设施,需要预约才能使用.)


Indoors, colleges may place restrictions on expressive activities, 只要规则平等地适用于每个人,而不是基于演讲的内容或观点.  学院可能会决定某些室内设施不能用于表达活动.  这类领域的常见例子包括:(1)行政办公室, (2) libraries, (3) hallways, and (4) classrooms during instructional hours. 


3. 哪些与受保护言论有关的行为可以受到监管?


Most speech is protected by the Constitution, but sometimes, 演讲者在表达活动中采取的行动具有破坏性,足以让大学进行干预, regardless of what is actually being expressed. For outdoor facilities and areas, students, student organizations, 他们的客人可以自由地从事表达活动,只要他们不从事以下任何活动: 

  • block access to campus buildings;
  • obstruct traffic (vehicles or pedestrians);
  • substantially disrupt previously scheduled campus events;
  • 严重扰乱学校运作或者侵犯、妨碍他人权利的;
  • break the law; or
  • 根据学校警察或安全部门的规定,对公共安全造成威胁.


Additionally, 第一修正案不保护旨在煽动或产生迫在眉睫的不法行为的言论, and that is likely to incite or produce such action.  其他类型的不受保护的言论包括在有限情况下的真正威胁和骚扰.  真正的威胁是有意对某一个人或某一群人实施非法暴力行为的严重表达.  无保护的骚扰是一种极端的、普遍的、严重的行为,它使一个理性的人无法接受教育.


4. 如何为演讲活动预留校园设施?


a. Request submission


联系财务和行政副校长预订校园设施. Spaces are reserved on a first-come-first served basis.  学院可以事先声明,某些空间不能保留用于演讲活动.  常见的例子包括在教学时间的图书馆、办公室、走廊和教室.  在室内设施中对表达活动的任何其他限制必须平等地适用于每个人,而不取决于表达的内容或观点, or the possible reaction to the expression. 


b. Timing


大学通常不会要求超过24小时的提前通知,除非活动需要额外的计划以确保安全和足够的后勤支持.  我们鼓励您尽快申请使用该设施. 


c. Denials


When assessing a request to reserve a facility, 学院不得考虑内容(除非该设施仅用于某些目的), for example, 仅供学院行政使用)或表达活动的观点, or the possible reaction to the expressive activity.  如果一个设施或空间通常是可以保留的, the college can refuse a reservation by a student, student organization, or employee only for the following reasons:


  • 该场地是一个室内设施,已被指定为不可预订.
  • 该场地是一个室内设施,这一要求与学院对该设施的任何限制相冲突.  例如,限制可能是周末不能使用室内设施.
  • The venue has been reserved already at the time requested.
  • 预期的人群规模太大,容纳不下这个地方.
  • 该活动将严重干扰附近发生的另一事件.
  • 这种行为会严重扰乱大学的运作.
  • 据警方或安全部门称,该活动对校园安全构成了明显而现实的威胁. 
  • The activity occurs during college exam periods.
  • The activity is against the law.


d. Responsibility for the space


任何预订设施或空间的人都有责任维护该空间,并对任何损坏负责, cleaning costs, or other costs.


5. 学院是否需要有室内空间供自发的表达活动使用?


No.  学院不需要有指定的室内区域用于自发的演讲活动.  However, if it chooses to create one or more, 大学官员必须发布该区域可供学生使用的信息, student organizations, 员工和他们的客人进行表达活动. The area must be available for all students, student organizations, employees, and guests equally, 而不是依赖于表达的内容或观点或对它的可能反应. 


6.  如果有人或团体试图干扰我、我的组织或受邀嘉宾的演讲,我该怎么办?


To report a disruption of protected speech, 请致电276-739-2538与教学和学生服务副校长联系,或  如遇紧急情况,请致电校园警察局 (276) 614-8282 or (276) 739-2448 or 911. 


7.  I have additional questions.


请致电276-739-与教学和学生服务副校长联系2429 or for more information.  You can also reference the VHCC Student Handbook.




Last Updated 12.1.23



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